by Hassan | Oct 8, 2021 | Blog
Clear Choice Auto Glass, Ottawa’s oldest, largest, and most diverse glass firm, is highly known for its superior craftsmanship and installation ability, with 90 percent of its work being bespoke. EXPERTS IN GLASS IN OTTAWA We wouldn’t be where we are now...
by Hassan | Sep 18, 2021 | Blog
You have probably not thought much about it but one of the most important safety features in your car is your windshield. It is easy to ignore its importance because you look right through it but it actually shields you from a wide variety of elements and potential...
by Hassan | Jun 14, 2021 | Blog
The days are (finally) getting longer, and with that comes more activity outside of the home: dinners out, movies, hikes in the park; especially in Ottawa, the list of summer fun is endless! Often, depending on where you park the car, the biggest worry is whether...
by Hassan | Jun 14, 2021 | Blog
The snow is finally melting, and spring is on the way in Ottawa, but don’t let those patches of grass poking out fool you. While it may be tempting to break out the summer ride, keep in mind winter hazards haven’t totally disappeared just yet. Rising temperatures...
by Hassan | Jun 5, 2021 | Blog
Your windshield is one of the most important features in your vehicle that keeps you safe when you are driving. If you are driving with a cracked windshield, it puts you and everyone else in your vehicle at a much higher risk if involved in a collision. There is no...